Nikhil N. Raut, Abhijeet N. Raut, Naresh J. Raut
In India around 65 percent of the population is in the working-age group which is fuelling an immense growth opportunity in sectors such as consumer durables, healthcare, pack-aging & defense equipment where use of plastic parts is very high. Moreover, India is the fourth-largest auto industry in the world that is pushing automakers to invest in R&D and Electric vehicles, thereby projecting a huge growth of the sector by 2025. With an aim to manufacture lighter vehicles, plastic components are replacing metal parts & increasing its share in vehicles.
A huge demand of plastic durables for both non auto and the auto sector has been created. Abhijeet Plastics Group, a well-known brand in automobile interiors & exterior mould manufacturing in India is working with experienced designers and implementing innovative approaches to meet such surging demands of plastic moulds in the market. The company has committed itself in incorporating modern technologies in mould making by investing in high-end machines.
‘Abhijeet Plastics Group has unmatched capabilities to meet client needs. We have built our expertise in the last 35 years and our company is among the top 10 tool makers in India manufacturing plastic moulds. We have a strong presence in the Indian automotive hub which makes us a preferred partner for component supplies. We are also present in almost all the automotive hubs in India, our key customers being Mahindra and Honda who have recognised us with awards for the performance in the above-mentioned areas.’, says Mr. Naresh J. Raut, Managing Director, Abhijeet Group.
Abhijeet Group offers a one-stop solution with in-house tooling facility, it is an expert in blow moulding and segments such as interior trims, aesthetic exterior trims and complete product assembly. The company works with cutting edge infrastructure coupled with sub-assembly stations that provide end-to-end solutions to clients with value addition to the plastic parts.
Abhijeet Group started its journey with mould making in 1984 with only four people & a small shop for non-auto industry and is now making high-quality moulds for both the auto & non-auto industries with more than 150 people & 44000 sq. ft in Naigaon near Mumbai. Abhijeet Group manufactures moulds from 200T to 2800T on capacity with in-house mould trial facilities. Although its core strength is in designing the moulds, it has also started offering solutions on b-surface product designing too.
‘All our activities are aligned with our core values like customer centricity, accepting difficult challenges and thriving through teamwork. Quality and on-time delivery is also our forte and with hard work we have achieved a whopping CAGR of more than 15% in the last 10 years.’, says Mr. Abhijeet N. Raut, Director, Abhijeet Group.
The Future Roadmap : Abhijeet Group is striving to cross 350 crore landmarks by 2025 with the approach of continuously investing in Technology and adapting innovative ideas and solutions to add more value to the products it offers.
The company is planning to collaborate with experts to enhance technical capability in new areas such as consumer electronics products. ‘Our expertise in mould making and product development can easily overcome difficult challenges and thus pave the way to increased growth. We have already developed products like hair dryers, consumer electronic and home appliances products that meet international standards.’, concludes Mr. Nikhil N. Raut, Director, Abhijeet Group.